Inside the Compassionate Horse Click course and community.
Here's a sneak peek video clip from the Riding Out Section of the course material. A candid look at how we use positive reinforcement training to build trust, deepen bonds & clarify communication. Lessons include written explanation, demonstrations & commentary to support & guide you & your horse.
A member shares the struggle of her horse being frustrated and grumpy in training pre-Compassionate Horse Click. She talks about how excited she is to see rapid and positive changes in his behavior from training Compassionate Horse Click Style. Questions? Have them answered live in these meetings! Via phone or computer, you will be able to see the participants & coaches, review videos, ask training questions, etc. Best of all, the sense of community & support is palpable in these online meetings. The call is audio/visually recorded & the link is posted for those who canβt attend.
(Sample of theory from A Positive Start section of the online course material.)
Video clips from the Changing Contexts Section of the course material.
Video clips exemplifying the Cue Clarity Section of the course material.
Would you like a few more training tip videos along with some information about The Compassionate Horse Click (CHC) Online Program and Community?
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