Compassionate Horse Insider Info - Reflection can be oh so Rewarding!

Exponentially increase the results you experience in your relationship with your horse, training and what you learn when you’re together.  CHC PRIVATE GROUP insider secret REVEALED HERE for the first time outside of the paid community...

Our members find they get twice the value of their course exercises, coaching sessions and at home training and relationship building sessions too, when they be still and reflect to DO this exercise.

It was originally created for online coaching and online course lesson participants, but now we encourage all of our members to use this template to enhance the value of their training and relationship with their horses in every situation. Please let us know if you find this helpful! Meanwhile, use it to jump to the next level in your learning ...

Transform your CHC and positive reinforcement horse training experiences, relationship building and/or clicker training experiences by reflecting and WRITING (shown to improve learning, retention and AHA moments!)  thoughtful answers to the following questions:

Most importantly, even if you don’t post, take the time to REFLECT and WRITE the following down for your and your horse’s own benefit. Research shows that writing increases retention. I promise you will be surprised at how valuable this exercise is and how much it changes your equestrian experience and speeds the learning curve for you and your horse, decreasing potential confusion, frustration or just slow going and giving you more AHA! moments than ever before = even more enjoyment for you and your horse!


  1. What is one VALUABLE take home point from your last lesson or session with your horse?
  2. What is one positive thing that is going on with your horse's training or your relationship or both?
  3. What is one thing you will do differently in your next session?
  4. What did you learn through what you’re doing/being/pondering since last lesson? (maybe something you and your horse learned together or something your horse is teaching you or you are learning from your horse?)
  5. What is your intention for your next coaching or training session?
    i.e., "It is my intention to feel _______________ fill in the blank,
    and be __________________________
    fill in the blank, about_____________________ fill in the blank."

EXTRA CREDIT for fun: WHAT do you think YOUR HORSE would SAY to its friends ABOUT THE SESSION if it could talk?


50% Complete

Two Step

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