๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’– Experiencing Gratitude With And For Our Horses ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒฟ

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2024

If I had a dollar for every time someone has said to me, “But I bought/got this horse so I could…trail ride, do horse things with my friends, jump, show, go to clinics, ride around my yard, learn to – you fill in the blank.” - And the heartbreaking reality is that they are far from being able to enjoy whatever it is that they planned to at the outset of their decision to own a horse.


So often, especially during the beginning of a coaching relationship, no matter how much the person loves their horse – the frustration and disappointment with what is going on with their horse, or what isn’t, comes across no matter how hard the horse owner tries not to show it. It’s so hard for us humans who give our all to our horse’s well-being, to understand why we can’t do what we would like to do with our horses - what we think we "should" be able to do with them.


I know. I’ve been there, once upon a time. And now, I talk to people who are living the loss of a dream on a regular basis, riding the confusing emotional roller coaster of expectations set up by an industry that either forgot, or maybe never really understood how horses function – survival first, safety and comfort next and what that really means in the face of human desires. (#thestruggleisreal)


It doesn't have to be this way, I promise you! Below, I'll share with you something that can provide a lighter perspective for you or anyone you know in this situation, instantly - and it's fast and free.


In our Compassionate Horse Click (CHC) community, we see expectations transform to appreciation on the regular. It’s heartwarming and inspiring, and it's part of the organic process that CHC members and my students experience when they embrace interacting with their horses, creating compassionate experiences and consensual connection.  

“Transformation happens when we learn to understand what our horses need, think, feel and what they are communicating.” 

While It’s not always an overnight sensation, learning to see our horses with appreciation for who they are is the ONE THING that makes all the difference in how much horses and humans enjoy the time that they spend together. Here's something everyone can do to take a step in that direction with their own horse.


Want to give it a try? Ask yourself the following - I recommend writing your answers on paper - BTW. Research proves this is a powerful tool. 


What would it be like if today, just for a moment, you looked at your horse through what we call gratitude glasses? 


Rather than thinking of all the things you wish were happening, or weren’t, what if you simply looked at your horse with eyes that could only see good? (Slip on a pair of dollar store glasses for full effect! I like the ones with rhinestones, lol) 

 What if you floated a thank you for all of the things about your horse that make your heart smile or that you're thankful for??? 


My guess is, for that moment, you’ll feel a shift on the inside and maybe even a smile on your face, or a lighter countenance?? And if your horse is nearby, I have to think, it’s likely they’ll feel your gratitude too.


Maybe the glasses of gratitude will reveal some simple things like a shiny coat, or how you love the sound of your horse munching grass, or how happy you are for the health they have. Only you can decide, 


What do you see through the glasses of gratitude? ๐Ÿด๐Ÿ’•We’d love it if you could share your thoughts here…https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742650405954835


Meanwhile, I wish you and your horse time to share the sentiments of Thanksgiving throughout the holiday season and beyond.




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