Horse Training Doesn't Equal Restraint!

Uncategorized Nov 14, 2024

Confession: I once said, "As a professional, I will never hand-feed a horse..." If you know me now, you're likely shocked or laughing! 😆

🥕 As we know, many people avoid using food in training, and in some circles, “clicker training” is practically a cuss word. I get it—I was in those circles once too. Maybe you were too? And honestly, I understand the hesitation, because any training method done poorly can create problems and that includes training with food. But here’s the thing: food is only an issue when it’s misused or used incorrectly by the trainer. Yet somehow, using food gets a bad rap, while force, coercion, and fear are often accepted as standard practice.

Why is this okay?

🤷‍♀️ Why is it that we’re horrified by human slavery, but barely bat an eye at expecting absolute obedience from horses, even when they’re scared, in pain, or biologically wired to flee? We know they’re sensitive, gentle beings, so shouldn’t we find a softer, kinder way to communicate with them?

There is another way—a way that builds trust, connection, and joy. 


Using +R (positive reinforcement) with clarity and consent can:

  • Reduce serious injuries
  • Enhance performance
  • Make learning faster and more enjoyable, from loading to health routines
  • Improve the quality of life for both you and your horse

And yes, food can be used without creating “cookie monsters” if we’re willing to invest in our own learning and training. Like any other skill, R+ requires timing, awareness, and a deep understanding of horse behavior. When done well, R+ doesn’t cause frustration, fear, or pain—it builds a bond that feels natural and mutual.

If we truly love our horses, why not invest the time to learn a compassionate approach that aligns with our affection and desire for connection?

💬 I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

For more information on training with +R or to learn about live and online coaching, check out Compassionate Horse Click or join our Facebook community here. You can also contact me for a free resource on getting started with compassionate, clear communication.

💙 Wishing you and your horse the relationship and results you both deserve.

— Melissa


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