+R Horse Clinic Fall 2024

clinic Aug 22, 2024

You're invited to a R+ Horse Clinic: Topic of Your Choice 

πŸ™‹ It’s all about you and your horse 🐎- You’ll enjoy Insight, Solutions, and Inspiration – all positively created specifically for you and your horse. Topics/coaching sessions and training in this clinic are all tailored to your needs and requests and those of your horse!!!

Whether you're new to +R, use only verbal praise, are a seasoned clicker trainer or don't use clickers or food at all and are just curious (hand feeding isn’t required, BTW), this clinic provides lots of value for those committed to having SAFE HAPPY horses πŸ’•

No more confusion, feeling like you and your horse just aren’t speaking the same language, wondering what the next steps are or feeling frustrated that your horse doesn’t understand what you’re asking – (or maybe they do, and they are saying no thank you or not right now???) Not to worry, Melissa has many years experience providing compassionate proven solutions for a plethora of situations! She’ll explain, demonstrate and teach the science behind what is going on and help you come up with a plan to create the behavior, relationship and/or performance changes that you crave. You’ll leave better equipped to create a relaxed confident horse, plus troubleshoot on your own. No more worrying about how to keep your horse engaged and polite all at the same time!

Or, perhaps you're more advanced and you’re looking for new techniques, or to polish your horse’s existing behaviors or just want to enjoy being in a group of people passionate about R+ and have a getaway where you don’t have to worry about anything other than spending quality time with your horse. Either way, we’ll find a balance of fun, friendly relationship building, and results for both of you like we have for so many in past clinics. πŸ™Œ

You’ll get fresh ideas on the ground and under saddle, with your horse and by watching others! ALL DISCIPLINES and LEVELS WELCOME. πŸ‘€

Individual sessions with Melissa Spell Deal, CERTIFIED CT COACH AND ARIA INSTRUCTOR for 25 + years - will build greater confidence, trust, connection, and clarity in your communication resulting in more joyful relationships with horses. 

Our promise: to keep the clinic small so that horses and humans can have multiple sessions per day to create, establish and practice familiar behavior patterns before they head home. (We’d like for your horse to stay overnight if possible to help you and your horse be more relaxed, but Paddocks are limited so you’ll want to sign up soon.)

Instead of watching YouTube videos and thinking, “this looks so easy, I must be doing something wrong,” by immersing yourself in this event with live feedback, you’ll go from frustrated to fascinated with your horse's behavior. Ask questions and participate in discussions throughout each day while your horse takes a break or as an auditor. Plus, there’s a unique opportunity for follow up with Live Online Lessons afterward. 

OCT 18 (afternoon/evening),19 - 20 (Daytime) – Horses Arrive Fri afternoon 

  • Arrive Fri Evening, settle in and attend a low key social/educational gathering.
  • Clinic sessions with individual horses will begin Sat am - Sun pm.
  • Times TBD due to number of horses and weather.
  • Contact us to find out about Haul In availability for horses who are comfortable traveling and adjust well to new places. (910-471-5445)
    • Prefer 2 payments to participate? Here’s the link for 2 payments https://buy.stripe.com/5kA8xR6cvdOa9Ww6ow
      • the second investment is due by Sep 25.
    • Auditors - this is not your normal sit in the back “hush hush” auditor experience. You will be as up close as you like and invited to participate in discussions and attend demos and presentations throughout the days you are registered for. Auditors must register in advance.  Below are the links for early bird auditor registration. We will accept a limited number of auditors to ensure active engagement is possible. 

🐎 Horses 20$/night for dry paddock. We have water troughs. Limited number of camper hookups/20$ per night and tent camping with shower access available – contact for availability. (910-471-5445)

Email for human accommodation arrangements and other recommendations after you register. [email protected]  We will email you the week of the clinic with directions, and any info you’ll need for a positively stellar weekend with your horse!

🌟Compassionate Coaching Creates Calm, Confident Connection between horses and the 🌟women who love them!


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