Create Connection with Obstacles: Using +R to Gain Confidence and have Fun!

clinic confidence obstacles Sep 20, 2023

Obstacles aren't just for DE spooking…

Under Saddle or In Hand - Obstacle training done well can build connection, confidence and resilience! 

The techniques I guide you through during +R Obstacle related clinics, online lessons/coaching and courses are sure to foster your horse’s curiosity and produce results that you’ll both enjoy for a long time to come. 

Research proves that horses with greater resilience tend to be happier, less apt to be triggered and spook. And they have less intense responses than non-resilient horses. Whether you are a clicker trainer or conventional horse person, there will be lots for you and your horse to learn and enjoy, and you’ll have the benefit of expert guidance to ensure the best possible experience.

If you engage in these activities with me you will:

- Get instant feedback by having a measurable objective for you and your horse

- Hone communication and understanding between yourself and your horse


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