Compassionate Equestrians Share about their Live R+ Experiences - Positively Inspiring!

clinic r+ Nov 07, 2024

One inspiring story comes from Jennifer, a compassionate equestrian in her 70s, who found Melissa’s R+ / compassionate  teachings after a life-changing fall from her horse. The accident left her with multiple surgeries and an arena-phobic horse. With Melissa’s positively reinforcing online coaching, however, Jennifer’s bond with her horse, Brooks, transformed in extraordinary ways.

After working with Melissa and reward based training, Brooks now follows Jennifer around like an adoring puppy, matching her steps and joyfully playing with her in the very arena he once feared. Jennifer describes their relationship as “closer than ever,” and says both she and Brooks have found a level of happiness they never imagined.

When asked about auditing Melissa’s clinics, Jennifer was overjoyed to share:

“I loved being with like-minded people, learning more about +R, and exploring problem-solving strategies. Such an uplifting...

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Cue Clarity Live Clinic: Connecting & Communicating On the Ground or in the Saddle through innovative activities that you and your horse are sure to enjoy!

Are you ready to deepen your bond with your horse while learning innovative and effective training techniques? You're invited to join us for an exciting live event where you’ll discover how to communicate with your horse in a way that’s kind, clear, and impactful! You don’t need to have a R+ trained horse, all you need is a desire to learn more about using reinforcers to clarify your communication for a happier horse!

If you want your horse to come running not only when you arrive at the barn but also when you get out the brushes, the halter, the tack and all your gear, like the horses on our farm and our students and clients horses do, communicating compassionately with clarity and value to your horse is a must...

If you’re on the fence or only want to dip your toe in R+, not to worry. 

We’ll address when to retrain with +R, layer on top, or leave conventional cues as they are. 

We’ll even discuss things like letting other people...

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"Oh man, I know my horse needs it, but..."

clinic Sep 19, 2024

Jenn wasn't sure she knew enough - she'd never been to a R+ clinic. Her horse was so green. "Oh man, should I do this thing???"

  • She wasn't sure if her horse had enough miles on him - barely any was the reality. 
  • She wasn't sure if she'd feel judged or embarrassed. On the fence...considering a R+ Clinic but hesitating -Would he even get on the trailer - not sure. 

She took a leap of faith for her horse's sake. Hear how it turned out.  See how it went for her, her horse and other participants and auditors. 

THOUGHTS FROM MELISSA: You don't have to be all in on +R Training to try it. You only need to have a desire to communicate clearly in a way that your horse values and finds reinforcing!
Sometimes, we get in our own way: Asking all the WHAT IF questions, doubting our own abilities to follow the lead of those we trust to mentor us. All it takes is awareness to turn this around, which is why we're sharing this video with you.

Even if you aren't thinking of going...

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+R Horse Clinic Fall 2024

clinic Aug 22, 2024

You're invited to a R+ Horse Clinic: Topic of Your Choice 

It’s all about you and your horse - You’ll enjoy Insight, Solutions, and Inspiration – all positively created specifically for you and your horse. Topics/coaching sessions and training in this clinic are all tailored to your needs and requests and those of your horse!!!

Whether you're new to +R, use only verbal praise, are a seasoned clicker trainer or don't use clickers or food at all and are just curious (hand feeding isn’t required, BTW), this clinic provides lots of value for those committed to having SAFE HAPPY horses

No more confusion, feeling like you and your horse just aren’t speaking the same language, wondering what the next steps are or feeling frustrated that your horse doesn’t understand what you’re asking – (or maybe they do, and they are saying no thank you or not right now???) Not to worry, Melissa has many years experience providing compassionate proven...

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Upcoming Clinics - Fall 2024 Save the Date!

clinic event Jul 30, 2024

Give your horses the time they deserve in a serene setting with a small group of like-minded +R equestrians.

🐴Beginners to advanced are welcome in this relaxed atmosphere as each coaching session will be customized to the horse/person and the topic or behavior they are currently interested in. Delve into multiple activities in-hand, under tack or in anywhere between. Or focus on just one area. Either way you'll have an experienced and certified instructor / trainer who's helped horses and their humans connect successfully with +R for well over a decade now. Plus, learn from watching others in a friendly environment and join the banter in group discussions, watch dynamic demos and more.

🖐️Not into hand feeding? No worries, it's not required. We have multiple options available to ensure your horse feels reinforced and has a positive experience.

💙Live clinics are great getaways. Go from Frustrated to Fascinated or just have a weekend retreat with your horse where there's nothing to focus on...

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Create Connection with Obstacles: Using +R to Gain Confidence and have Fun!

clinic confidence obstacles Sep 20, 2023

Obstacles aren't just for DE spooking…

Under Saddle or In Hand - Obstacle training done well can build connection, confidence and resilience! 

The techniques I guide you through during +R Obstacle related clinics, online lessons/coaching and courses are sure to foster your horse’s curiosity and produce results that you’ll both enjoy for a long time to come. 

Research proves that horses with greater resilience tend to be happier, less apt to be triggered and spook. And they have less intense responses than non-resilient horses. Whether you are a clicker trainer or conventional horse person, there will be lots for you and your horse to learn and enjoy, and you’ll have the benefit of expert guidance to ensure the best possible experience.

If you engage in these activities with me you will:

- Get instant feedback by having a measurable objective for you and your horse

- Hone communication and understanding between yourself and your horse


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