Can Scratches be used to Positively Reinforce Horses? When, Why, How and When not to use them.


Scratches as Non Food Reinforcers

Many people ask about using scratches to reinforce horses for desired behaviors. Can scratches be used successfully? YES, and I encourage using as many non food reinforcers as possible when effective. Watch as Sharon, CHC Mastery Course Student, uses them to reinforce Hershey for color discrimination. 

But there are important caveats. Learn when, why, how and when not to use scratches for best results. 

Rules for Reinforcers: The horse must value the reinforcer. 

WHEN: If you horse is itchy from environment, shedding or often they will show you where they liked to be scratched by attempting to do so themselves, then scratches can be a fantastic way to support their behavior and simply to bond and deepen your relationship. This makes summertime a great for introducing scratches as a reinforcer. 

WHY: Horses are very particular about who they choose for mutual grooming and enjoying scratches and grooming from other horses is part of affiliative bonding in a herd environment. So, it makes sense that offering them a similar experience could have positive affects on our relationship with them. 

HOW: BUT, the scratches must be enjoyed by the horse meaning we must provide them at liberty in a 

  • location on their body and 
  • manner (speed, pressure etc.)

that the horse will not just tolerate but ENJOY - meaning they will stand around and hang out for scratches without constraint.


  • Static electricity is an issue - No one likes to be shocked! Dampening the horse with a light spray of moisture can reduce static but caution should still be used is static is suspected. 
  • A horse is sensitive to touch in general and especially in areas where they tend to be sensitive such as the junction of hind rig/loin area and hind quarters where the hair changes direction.
  • If the horse leaves or shows discomfort, twitching or displeasure or is indifferent then scratches may not be the best choice or perhaps an adjustment is need- a different place or at a slower speed or lighter or deeper pressure, etc. 
  • NOTE: understanding what your horse is communicating to you as feedback is super important and a foundational skill of the CHC online courses and coaching programs. Compassionate Horse Click Home

Places horses tend to enjoy being scratched: 

  • chest
  • rump
  • belly
  • udder (it's a love/hate thing usually one or the other with little in between)
  • Ears (same as the udder they love it or hate it, generally)
  • Face 
  • Anywhere that they can't reach easily

WARNING: Do not decide to go cold turkey from a high reinforcement rate with high value food to using scratches in the place of food or you risk an unpleasant extinction burst and causing stress for your horse and yourself. People often call me saying they saw a YouTube video using scratches as reinforcers and when they tried it at home it didn't work well for them. Beware of trying to do what you think you saw! Pay attention to the feedback your horse presents, go slow, use small steps and consider coaching if you need further guidance in making sure your horse sees non food reinforcers as positive experiences. Your horse will appreciate your attention to detail and you will love using this kind of reinforcement too. 

We'd love to hear what non food reinforcers your horse enjoys! 


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