Can Scratches be used to Positively Reinforce Horses? When, Why, How and When not to use them.


Scratches as Non Food Reinforcers

Many people ask about using scratches to reinforce horses for desired behaviors. Can scratches be used successfully? YES, and I encourage using as many non food reinforcers as possible when effective. Watch as Sharon, CHC Mastery Course Student, uses them to reinforce Hershey for color discrimination. 

But there are important caveats. Learn when, why, how and when not to use scratches for best results. 

Rules for Reinforcers: The horse must value the reinforcer. 

WHEN: If you horse is itchy from environment, shedding or often they will show you where they liked to be scratched by attempting to do so themselves, then scratches can be a fantastic way to support their behavior and simply to bond and deepen your relationship. This makes summertime a great for introducing scratches as a reinforcer. 

WHY: Horses are very particular about who they choose for mutual grooming and enjoying scratches and grooming from other horses...

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