One Woman's Experience from Traditional to R+ Horse Training - she calls it extraordinary!


As one who's been to Iraq in serving our country an the military, seasoned equestrian and Compassionate Horse Click member, Kriestin Kleinschmidt , RN (KK) could be considered one tough cookie. But she still admits to having felt pressured and anxious about attending conventional equestrian events… and often felt that her horses didn't enjoy their time like she wanted them too. (Sound familiar?) Yet, she was successful in a variety of traditional arenas and struggled to find another way with her horses - one that didn't require her to stop using the skills she already had. KK was tired of feeling like she micromanaging her horses and wanted to be in safer more compassionate and comfortable environment where she could be herself.

As an experienced and respected conventional equestrian, she has found that results, meaningful relationship, connection, community and clinics/live events with her horses and other equestrians can be combined for a stellar result. And that doing so leads to a rewarding experience in which KK and her horses can thrive. She explains why this is important, and how it is possible, though she was never a fan of hand feeding and safety is always her number one priority. 

Hear her success stories and see some of the transformations that she and her horses have experienced.

She specifically talks about her experience at Clinics/Live Immersion Events she attended. Even if live events aren't your thing, her journey from conventional to the R+ mindset with her horses and the other people at these events with Melissa is proof positive that R+ can be for good for everyone on multiple levels - horses and humans. KK is living proof that conventional equestrians can love R+ and find it helpful/even life changing too. 

If you're interested in experiencing your own transformational live event, private or group immersion or clinic experience (as an auditor or participant) with Melissa there's an

Upcoming Live Event/Weekend Clinic Immersive experience in Burgaw NC: Dec 14-15 2024 (early bird registration ends midnight Nov 1) details here or you can

Connect with Melissa for more info via phone or text too: or 910-471-5445 

Live far away? There's an airport nearby! Join us. You won't be disappointed!


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