Compassionate Equestrians Share about their Live R+ Experiences - Positively Inspiring!

clinic r+ Nov 07, 2024

One inspiring story comes from Jennifer, a compassionate equestrian in her 70s, who found Melissa’s R+ / compassionate  teachings after a life-changing fall from her horse. The accident left her with multiple surgeries and an arena-phobic horse. With Melissa’s positively reinforcing online coaching, however, Jennifer’s bond with her horse, Brooks, transformed in extraordinary ways.

After working with Melissa and reward based training, Brooks now follows Jennifer around like an adoring puppy, matching her steps and joyfully playing with her in the very arena he once feared. Jennifer describes their relationship as “closer than ever,” and says both she and Brooks have found a level of happiness they never imagined.

When asked about auditing Melissa’s clinics, Jennifer was overjoyed to share:

“I loved being with like-minded people, learning more about +R, and exploring problem-solving strategies. Such an uplifting...

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AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD - We need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state

AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD, although sometimes it's easy to get that impression from R+ communities online - The TRUTH is (per the science) that we need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state, though it's also true, over arousal can confound the training process and bring the horse too close to a hormonal profile that can easily lead to anxiety. 

Arousal and hormones, we talk about it a lot within the CHC R+ community / membership. This white board is a visual from a recent Compassionate Horse Click Clinic (emphasizing the need for horses and humans to feel SAFE and HAPPY when we are together for optimal learning and success to occur in training. 

Safe and Happy was also the topic of a recent presentation/demo that I did at an international behavior conference (#IAABC). It was there I realized, that a visual depicting how some arousal is necessary for optimal learning to occur, could really simplify this concept. This one still needs...

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One Woman's Experience from Traditional to R+ Horse Training - she calls it extraordinary!


As one who's been to Iraq in serving our country an the military, seasoned equestrian and Compassionate Horse Click member, Kriestin Kleinschmidt , RN (KK) could be considered one tough cookie. But she still admits to having felt pressured and anxious about attending conventional equestrian events… and often felt that her horses didn't enjoy their time like she wanted them too. (Sound familiar?) Yet, she was successful in a variety of traditional arenas and struggled to find another way with her horses - one that didn't require her to stop using the skills she already had. KK was tired of feeling like she micromanaging her horses and wanted to be in safer more compassionate and comfortable environment where she could be herself.

As an experienced and respected conventional equestrian, she has found that results, meaningful relationship, connection, community and clinics/live events with her horses and other equestrians can be combined for a stellar result. And...

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