AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD - We need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state

AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD, although sometimes it's easy to get that impression from R+ communities online - The TRUTH is (per the science) that we need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state, though it's also true, over arousal can confound the training process and bring the horse too close to a hormonal profile that can easily lead to anxiety. 

Arousal and hormones, we talk about it a lot within the CHC R+ community / membership. This white board is a visual from a recent Compassionate Horse Click Clinic (emphasizing the need for horses and humans to feel SAFE and HAPPY when we are together for optimal learning and success to occur in training. 

πŸ™‚Safe and Happy was also the topic of a recent presentation/demo that I did at an international behavior conference (#IAABC). It was there I realized, that a visual depicting how some arousal is necessary for optimal learning to occur, could really simplify this concept. This one still needs perfecting but it does provide some food for thought.

πŸ‘€You can see here that we do need a level of arousal for learning and the amount may depend on the task and the energy required to execute it. 

But, for the average horse owner, who desires a horse that feels Safe and Happy when they are together, so they can feel the same, we need a calm focused engaged horse that can enjoy the flow of learning every day behaviors needed to thrive in the world we’ve created for them. 

πŸ‘ŒThis means using 

- considering and structuring the environment and proper antecedents

- appropriate reinforcer volume and value

- appropriate task level as it relates to the level of arousal and value of reinforcer plus reinforcement schedule (fair pairs)

- and more 

to help horses stay under threshold and avoid fear and unnecessary conflict that can confound learning and enjoyment during training sessions.

 Compassionate horse owners, Any Questions? POST THEM HERE IN OUR FREE FB GROUP:

Or if you'd like more in depth feedback... and want a coaching session or consultation on how to apply these concepts and techniques to helping your horse feel Safe and Happy - Contact Melissa here or Direct Message Melissa Spell Deal, CT Coach and  Compassionate Horse Click Public Page founder for info on +R One-on-One Coaching or Courses and Community to learn more about one on one online coaching and consults.

PS we've got a live clinic coming up the weekend of Dec 13th in Burgaw NC! 


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