AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD - We need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state

AROUSAL IS NOT A DIRTY WORD, although sometimes it's easy to get that impression from R+ communities online - The TRUTH is (per the science) that we need a level of arousal for our horses to be in an optimal learning state, though it's also true, over arousal can confound the training process and bring the horse too close to a hormonal profile that can easily lead to anxiety. 

Arousal and hormones, we talk about it a lot within the CHC R+ community / membership. This white board is a visual from a recent Compassionate Horse Click Clinic (emphasizing the need for horses and humans to feel SAFE and HAPPY when we are together for optimal learning and success to occur in training. 

Safe and Happy was also the topic of a recent presentation/demo that I did at an international behavior conference (#IAABC). It was there I realized, that a visual depicting how some arousal is necessary for optimal learning to occur, could really simplify this concept. This one still needs...

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Horses Don’t Do Always - But with +R we increase their number of Yes's!

🐴 Ever wondered why our majestic companions sometimes surprise us with unexpected reactions? It's not because they're trying to be difficult; it's simply their nature to do what they believe serves them best in the moment.
🧠 Picture this: a decision-making process ingrained by centuries of survival instincts, where running for their lives was the norm. But, here's the catch - that doesn't always align with what's best for them or us humans.
🌈 When your horse throws a curveball, remember: HORSES DON'T DO ALWAYS. And let's face it, as humans, we're not always predictable either.
🌟 The magic lies in understanding that we're inviting our equine friends to navigate a world they aren't naturally designed to comprehend. But fear not, because when we know how, we can live with our horses kindly and compassionately, transforming the way we connect with them. With +R or clicker training and positive reinforcement we can make their behavior and our experiences much...
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Fear Factor - You are NOT alone and how to Free Yourself from Fear and Anxiety

anxiety fear Nov 12, 2021

Whether you have a twinge of insecurity or feelings that border something akin to overwhelming fear and anxiety, I want you to know you are NOT ALONE AND YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. It’s a common human response and YOU can OVERCOME these fears and ENJOY the horse you love like never before! (If you don’t experience fear, keep reading because I am sure you know someone who can benefit from this.)

We just need to train fearful amygdales, (part of your brain responsible for fight and flight) especially if you have experienced past trauma.  We use small steps that build CONFIDENCE so your brain doesn’t think it needs to kick into overdrive to keep you both safe! 

If you think about it, that’s exactly how we use positive reinforcement/reward-based training and/or clicker training to help horses overcome severe lifelong traumas PERMANENTLY. We can help horses learn to LOVE things that previously meant certain death in their minds – such as trailers,...

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