Ear handling isn't just about health; it's about building trust, confidence and choice through +R horse training (positive reinforcement).
Watch this quick game of "Here's my Ear" to see how you can make ear handling a joyful experience for your horse in any situation:
Tips for mastering ear handling with your horse: You may want to...
"These horses are so different from most barns I've been to..." said a seasoned equestrian who was amazed by the behavior of loose horses in a paddock she was working in—an experience made possible by just three basic cues Melissa Spell Deal uses to provide clarity when people and horses are at liberty.
Polite, people-loving horses that aren't pushy or expecting treats for every little task are the natural result of kind, compassionate training through Cue Clarity. This method creates a strong connection with your horse, while maintaining boundaries and mutual respect.
If you're just getting started you'll love these options for creating clarity in your communication with your horse and those who have already started tell us the transformation is a game changer within 2 short weeks of implementing these tips.
Plus, discover when Melissa chooses to incorporate clickers into her training and when she doesn’t!
P.S. We’ve got an exciting Cue Clarity Clinic coming up...
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