Separation Anxiety - Understanding and Overcoming it to Enjoy Your Horse More

separation anxiety Mar 30, 2022

Whether you are riding out (dream of being able to casual chat with friends or hitting the trail for some alone time with your horse), loading (for weekends away, clinics, shows or vet trips), going to the wash stall (other side of the barn or farm) or leaving the herd in any capacity…

Understand what Separation Anxiety means for your horse and what you can do about it?

Imagine an idyllic scenario…

Your horse readily chooses to be with you no matter what the circumstance. 

They could care less about their friends in the field and you’re heading for a trail, the trailer, riding bridle-less, bareback, at liberty: lunging, free jumping, the other side of the barn/property or leading across grass.

Your horse is all in, willing, engaged and a joy to be around no matter the circumstance or distance from its friends. 

Easy peasy right?

Of course, this can be you, only if separation anxiety isn’t an issue for your horse. (And congratulations, BTW, if...

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