Separation Anxiety - Understanding and Overcoming it to Enjoy Your Horse More

separation anxiety Mar 30, 2022

Whether you are riding out (dream of being able to casual chat with friends or hitting the trail for some alone time with your horse), loading (for weekends away, clinics, shows or vet trips), going to the wash stall (other side of the barn or farm) or leaving the herd in any capacity…

Understand what Separation Anxiety means for your horse and what you can do about it?

Imagine an idyllic scenario…

Your horse readily chooses to be with you no matter what the circumstance. 

They could care less about their friends in the field and you’re heading for a trail, the trailer, riding bridle-less, bareback, at liberty: lunging, free jumping, the other side of the barn/property or leading across grass.

Your horse is all in, willing, engaged and a joy to be around no matter the circumstance or distance from its friends. 

Easy peasy right?

Of course, this can be you, only if separation anxiety isn’t an issue for your horse. (And congratulations, BTW, if...

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Compassionate Horse Insider Info - Reflection can be oh so Rewarding!

Exponentially increase the results you experience in your relationship with your horse, training and what you learn when you’re together.  CHC PRIVATE GROUP insider secret REVEALED HERE for the first time outside of the paid community...

Our members find they get twice the value of their course exercises, coaching sessions and at home training and relationship building sessions too, when they be still and reflect to DO this exercise.

It was originally created for online coaching and online course lesson participants, but now we encourage all of our members to use this template to enhance the value of their training and relationship with their horses in every situation. Please let us know if you find this helpful! Meanwhile, use it to jump to the next level in your learning ...

Transform your CHC and positive reinforcement horse training experiences, relationship building and/or clicker training experiences by reflecting and WRITING (shown to improve learning,...

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Creating a Calm Focus - Selecting the Right Reinforcer


Want your horse to be calm/good in its own skin and feel rewarded in the training?

Hay Cubes and other Low Value, Large Volume Rewards are highly correlated to your horse's Emotional State during Training. This is one of Compassionate Horse Click’s private course, coaching and community most treasured training tools! 

One lower value reward that can provide longer chewing time and larger volume which lends to more relaxed horses is hay cubes, but...

Many people are concerned about using hay cubes for rewards and haven’t been able to find a comparable alternative that will help their horse stay in a soft emotional state, promote calm focus and still create a dopamine release that will enhance learning. It can be especially challenging to find a reward that does all of this WITHOUT encouraging the horse to hunt around or push down on your hand during feeding.

Before we can help a horse be in an optimal emotional state for learning, we have to have a type of food...

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Fear Factor - You are NOT alone and how to Free Yourself from Fear and Anxiety

anxiety fear Nov 12, 2021

Whether you have a twinge of insecurity or feelings that border something akin to overwhelming fear and anxiety, I want you to know you are NOT ALONE AND YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. It’s a common human response and YOU can OVERCOME these fears and ENJOY the horse you love like never before! (If you don’t experience fear, keep reading because I am sure you know someone who can benefit from this.)

We just need to train fearful amygdales, (part of your brain responsible for fight and flight) especially if you have experienced past trauma.  We use small steps that build CONFIDENCE so your brain doesn’t think it needs to kick into overdrive to keep you both safe! 

If you think about it, that’s exactly how we use positive reinforcement/reward-based training and/or clicker training to help horses overcome severe lifelong traumas PERMANENTLY. We can help horses learn to LOVE things that previously meant certain death in their minds – such as trailers,...

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Effortless Trailer Loadingā€¦30 day Transformation - Watch this Horse Loading BEFORE AND AFTER +R

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2021

(We're sending out the before and after +R per popular request.)

I’m showing a small group of horse peeps how to EFFORTLESSLY LOAD their HORSES in a TRANSFORMATIONAL TRAILER LOADING Clinic - online.

Imagine having a horse that

  • Loves loading
  • Willingly Self-Loads
  • Cheerfully makes a beeline for the trailer at liberty
  • Quickly, easily and reliably hops on the trailer
  • Always allows you to be on time...just like the one in this video.

ENJOY creating STRESS FREE TRAILER LOADING experiences for your horse and Become a TRAILER LOADING GODDESS in 30 days!

Want to join us for a Transformational Trailer Loading Experience?  Drop an email to [email protected] and we’ll give you the details.

Here's to having your horse LOVE LOADING!!!


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Can Scratches be used to Positively Reinforce Horses? When, Why, How and When not to use them.


Scratches as Non Food Reinforcers

Many people ask about using scratches to reinforce horses for desired behaviors. Can scratches be used successfully? YES, and I encourage using as many non food reinforcers as possible when effective. Watch as Sharon, CHC Mastery Course Student, uses them to reinforce Hershey for color discrimination. 

But there are important caveats. Learn when, why, how and when not to use scratches for best results. 

Rules for Reinforcers: The horse must value the reinforcer. 

WHEN: If you horse is itchy from environment, shedding or often they will show you where they liked to be scratched by attempting to do so themselves, then scratches can be a fantastic way to support their behavior and simply to bond and deepen your relationship. This makes summertime a great for introducing scratches as a reinforcer. 

WHY: Horses are very particular about who they choose for mutual grooming and enjoying scratches and grooming from other horses...

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Want a feel-good listen? Come take a moment...

The Compassionate Horse Click
Want a feel-good listen? Come take a moment...

Come, spend a moment with me...

Over the last 10 years, in addition to my passion for liberty, groundwork and dressage, I’ve had the transformational experience of using Positive Reinforcement horse training and clicker training horses while helping humans develop deeper connections with their horses, others and themselves too. 

I invite you to come take a moment and hear how Compassionate Horse Click came to be and how one special red-headed horse (Eclipse) changed my life forever. 

We’d be honored to have you learn more about our heartfelt journey and love for you to reach out and tell us about yours as well. 

... always inspired when I chat with long time horse woman and equestrian media enthusiast, Rose Cushing. I so appreciate the invitation to speak on her podcast, Today's Horsewoman and enjoyed her company as well! It was such a treat to speak with her about my lifelong equestrian journey that started in the Hunters, then to Western and...

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Is your horse easy to deal with when Going Across Grass?

grass training Jul 23, 2021

In addition to the use rewards that are more valuable than grass when we are training horses to cross it on cue, we use techniques to create the positive habit of crossing grass on cue. If it's available to you, one of the easiest ways to head off the difficulty crossing green grass with your horse, whether in hand or under saddle, is to make sure that your horse has access to plenty of grass on his own time so he doesn't feel deprived. We realize this isn't always possible for a variety of reasons and that other strategies are important to have in our training tool box and as part of our communication with our horses.

The horse in this video is clearly communicating that he wants to go out to the green grass. We make it a habit to let him out to graze freely anytime we can, but purposely only let him out this particular gate when he going out to graze freely. This can be a reward at the end of a training session or simply something we do at random times. Either way, it's very clear...

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Release versus Reward - What's the difference?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2021

Release versus Reward… What’s the difference and why is it important to our horses?

Let’s put it in human terms to help us understand how our horses feel in similar circumstances of release versus reward.

Example A

If you were put in jail (for a reason that you didn’t understand) and then let out of jail:

1. Would you feel like you had been punished by the experience of being held against your will away from your family and friends?

2. Would you feel like being let out was a reward or simply something you deserved in the first place?

3. How would you feel about the person who put you in jail?

4. Would you be likely to trust this person to be responsible for your well-being in the future?

Example B:

If someone held your hand to a hot burner and forced you to keep it there until it was uncomfortable or even painful, for any reason at all, when they released your hand from the burner:

1. Would you feel like you were being punished when your hand was on the...

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Am I Making My Horse Lame - Biomechanical Restriction?

"Lameness can be due to biomechanical restriction.” Diane Howard, PhD, MSc, MMCP

Brilliant quote by Diane who is often a guest speaker on Compassionate Horse Click members only calls. Diane recently reviewed the Horse Grimace Scale for our CHC community. She presented on horses physical expressions related to pain, both physical and emotional. The group is currently studying emotional expression and learned much from Diane’s research including facial expressions that one doesn’t necessarily relate to a horse being in pain. One example that was new to me, specifically, is the ears being held stiffly held out to the side. Moreover, I found her quote especially intriguing because so many times, it is us, the humans, who are causing our horses’ pain through biomechanical restriction (see photo). Often, we don’t recognize it ,and other times we are living in denial. Our emotions can interject, and we can feel offended and/or become defensive if anyone...

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